One thing that sets Outward Bound apart from other outdoor providers is the focus on long term impact and outcomes, not short term experiences.
Our courses change lives; we use the outdoors and our national training centres as vehicles for immersive, meaningful learning that makes a real, lasting difference to the lives of thousands of people in Oman each year. Many young people in Oman are able to benefit from our Outward Bound courses thanks to the generous corporate social investment from many leading companies in Oman. We understand that CSR managers need to demonstrate a social return on that investment, and work hard to capture and share the impact with our partners in a variety of ways.
End of Course and Long-Term Impact Reviews.
At the end of every course we deliver participants undertake a solo experience where they can reflect on the past few days and carefully complete an end of course review, and an all-important action plan. The results of these forms are collated and shared with our partners and other key stakeholders.
Larger scale studies looking at the longer-term impact of Outward Bound in Oman have been undertaken by The Ministry of Education, and involved gathering data from parents, teachers and participants several months after the courses; the results were outstanding. A copy of the report is available from Outward Bound Oman on request.
End of Course Video Clips
The impact of some of our courses are captured and summarized on video. In recent years we have been a grateful beneficiary of support from both Duqm Refinery (where we have worked with young people in government schools, and with job seekers) and The Institute of Capability Development (where we were asked to work with groups of young people and help prepare them for the skills demanded by the 4th Industrial Revolution).
Recent end of course feedback from our Next Generation courses;
Sample taken from Omani young people aged 17-25 attending Outward Bound Oman Next Generation courses 2017
% of young Omani participants who strongly agree/agree

A recent survey of more than 1,000 participants revealed the following;